Invest in the future of online gaming

NoLimit Technology Holdings Inc allows you to invest in the company behind NoLimitCoin, its platforms and the new game changing sports betting protocol.

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Our Platforms

Fantasy, Sports Betting, DEX exchange and AI

  • Fantasy Sports

  • Online Poker

  • SportsBook

  • ERC-20 Migration

  • Uniswap and DEFI

  • More Exchanges and DEXs

  • NLC DEX Exchange
  • No Limit AI

Game Changing

Sports Betting Protocol

The Sports Betting Protocol will allow the largest sports book operators to use the efficiency of crypto to offset their sports bookings. Decentralized smart contracts with permanent custody of funds will create transparent and secure wholesale sports betting exchanges between bettors and game operators.

  • Smart contracts provide transparency and efficiency

  • Full Custody of Wallet Balance

  • Fees as low as 0.1%

The BEP-20 and DOT Token Document

View and Download our Document here on the NoLimitCoin ERC-20 & Dot Betting Protocol. It goes into detail on our future plans.

  • NoLimit Sports Betting Protocol

  • Online Gaming Markets

  • NLC in Polkadot Ecosystem

  • NLC in ERC-20 Ecosystem

  • Staking Rewards and more


The Team

Board of Advisors

rafael groswirt

Rafael Groswirt

CEO, Director Chairman of the Board

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Oscar Peralta

Oscar Peralta

Co Founder, Advisors

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Dan Hensley

Advisors, Board member & Consultant

Cameron Shepard – Crypto Daily

Advisors, Board member & Consultant

johnny chan

Johnny Chan

Brand Ambassador

Investor Package Coming Soon.

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Please fill out this form to request the investor package and be notified once it becomes available soon. The company may ask for additional information before it sends out the financial package.

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